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Webinar Series

VoiceBase Early Adopter Enablement

Join us for a 4-part webinar series, designed to get you in-the-know about VoiceBase, the voice recognition and analytics platform being integrated into LivePerson. From value proposition to customer portal, use cases, insights, and category building, this enablement webinar series will guide you through it all.

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Session Descriptions

LivePerson encourages you to attend all 4 sessions as they build on top of each other.


February 9 / 11:00AM EST

A prerequisite for the rest of the enablement sessions in this series, the first webinar provides a crucial, in-depth overview of what VoiceBase does. Using AI, natural language processing, and intelligence tools, we turn raw, unstructured call data into structured, rich data for analysis.

Customer Portal / App

February 16 / 11:00AM EST

Get started with VoiceBase in the place where it all begins: the customer portal. Learn what is required to get set up as a new customer in VoiceBase, plus the most important things to consider as you configure your account and build categories. We will discuss how to set up a new VoiceBase account, create users, connect to data, set up a new configuration, and the differences between user types. You’ll even start down the path to building your very first categories with VoiceBase’s Call Search and Workbench features.

Use Cases, Dashboard Navigation, and Finding Insights

February 22 / 11:00AM EST

Learn what we have available within VoiceBase dashboards and how to navigate through them in order maximize their benefits. We will briefly demonstrate our top 10 most popular dashboards and explain how they were built and why each one is useful. Then, learn how to navigate through the dashboards in order to find the most impactful insights.

Category Building Deep Dive

March 2 / 11:00AM EST

Plunge into building simple and complex categories using the VoiceBase Query Language (VBQL). We will begin by discussing the strategy that goes into category building and how Category Collections should be organized. From there, we demonstrate building categories, starting with our 10 most popular query types and advancing to more complex categories. You’ll gain an increased understanding and comfort level when it comes to building out categories in VoiceBase.

Thanks for your interest in the VoiceBase enablement webinar series! Please watch your inbox for confirmation details.

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