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webinarHow to build a chatbot strategy that works

Automation at the intersection between personalization and scale

Original Broadcast Date: December 16, 2020
Success bot-led conversation proving that chatbot strategy can pay off
AI chatbot-led conversation on a phone

The blueprint for thoughtful automation

If there were ever a time for brands to create a thorough and cohesive chatbot strategy, it’s now. According to Accenture, there has been a 41% increase in consumer interaction with virtual assistants, and 74% of those people expect to continue this changed behavior. With this shift, customers are going to have a sense across industries of which bot experiences are helpful and satisfying and which leave them confused and frustrated.

chatbot strategy at work, personalizing a conversation for a woman

AI will make your business more personal

Leading brands are taking their customer experience to the next level by using conversations together with powerful automation. With a chatbot strategy that zeroes in on their customers’ intents, brands are able to route effectively, sell more, market intelligently, and become an increasingly integral component of their customers’ lives.

During the session, we’ll share a blueprint for creating a thoughtful AI chatbot strategy specific to your brand

Chris Radanovic headshot

Chris Radanovic

Conversational AI Expert
