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ReportConversational AI is brilliant for business: 2021 Consumer Preferences Survey

In a recent survey, we asked more than 5,000 consumers across major global markets for their preferences around Conversational AI, messaging, and chatbots. The results are in: bots and messaging are big for business! Access the full report below.

Consumer Preferences Survey report cover
83% would browse or buy produucts in messaging conversations

Desire for Conversational Commerce is at an all-time high

Shoppers worldwide want businesses to continue to shift their customer care, sales, marketing tactics, and overall engagement toward a more digital focus through messaging channels. Cut out the long store lines and call wait times with Conversational AI to drive revenue and customer satisfaction

More consumers today want immediate access to a business to make their purchasing decisions. In fact, shoppers are increasingly more likely to buy products from a company via their messaging channels.

86% are more likely to do business with a company that interacts in a personalized way

Conversations help provide trusted personalization

Consumers worldwide are also looking for more personalized experiences with businesses overall and report a greater desire to be loyal to them and to spend more money with those trusted companies through messaging channels.

Charts showing the positive sentiment towards chatbots has nearly doubled

Bots are having a big moment

Consumer positive sentiment toward the AI chatbot has nearly doubled since 2020 for their speed, ease, and efficiency alone.

Consumers have spoken: Conversational AI has made a positive impact on customer care, and now it’s leading the conversation around commerce, too

Download the full 2021 report by using the form above.